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Exp Date
Contract, Information Statement, and Legal Disclosures


You have contracted Pyramid Credit Repair ("PCR") to provide credit bureau dispute management services and credit score consulting.

This is a month-to-month agreement. PCR provides service on an incremental basis charging only after the initial review/setup and at the end of each month of service for services rendered and performed prior. You may cancel anytime with no further obligation or charge.

In consideration of PCR's services you agree to the following:

1) To provide PCR with your credit reports to start the process.

2) To cooperate with PCR in the review of your credit history and the identification of inaccurate or questionable items.

3) To provide PCR with copies of correspondence you receive from the credit bureaus and/or updated reports from time-to-time to update your progress.

4) To pay PCR a first-work/setup fee of $129.00.

5) To pay PCR a monthly fee of $129.00 at the end of each month of service for services previously and rendered in the prior 30 day cycles.

6) To grant PCR permission to withdraw the specified fees from your credit card or bank account on file.

7) To notify PCR of any change of your name, address, or contact information.

It is understood that the PCR's dispute process requires your input as described in items 1, 2, and 3 above, and that failure to comply will result PCR’s inability to continue the dispute process.

The first-work/setup fee is $129.00 and the monthly fee thereafter is $129.00.

Your initial first-work/setup fee includes an analysis of your credit reports, identification of inaccurate and questionable items, credit score recommendations appropriate to your needs, and preparation for the dispute process. For the duration of the contract PCR will systematically prepare and mail dispute letters to the credit bureaus. All letters are sent on your behalf and in your name. PCR will provide ongoing notification of actions taken during each billing period.

Gold Plan Service Level

You are engaging the GoldPlan Service Level (described below) as of the date of this Contract. You may change your service level at any time simply by contacting Pyramid Credit. In the event you change your service level, all terms and conditions of this Contract will apply to your chosen service level. The Credit Report Listing Addenddum ("CRLA") will be amended to reflect your new service level.

The CRLA sets forth the negative item(s) you have asked Pyramid Credit to address, the order in which an item will be addressed, by date by which an item will be addressed, the date by which Pyramid Credit estimated that an item may be modified (if a modification occurs), the timing and payment amounts, and the maximum total payment due under the Contract.

Pyramid Credit performed one or more of the following services before you make any payments: enters your personal data and one or more credit reports in its secure database; provides you with a login to access your case online and to access certain informative content Pyramid Credit offers its clients; collects information and instructions you regarding your particular circumstances and how you wish to proceed; analyzes your case; and prepares and sends one or more Credit Repair Commmunications on you behalf.

Subsequently, Pyramid Credit performs one or more of the following ongoing and periodic services as appropriate in its judgment and discretion: receives and reviews Bureau and Furnisher correspondence sent to us directly or by you; collects and reviews updated information and instructions from you regarding your circumstances, goals, and case; monitors and analyzes your case; provides you with status updates regarding your case; and prepares and sends one or more additional Credit Repair Communications on your behalf.

Each negative item listed in the CRLA is addressed in two ways. First, Pyramid Credit prepares and sends Credit Repair Communications on your behalf to verify and/or challenge the accuracy of the item. Items are addressed in the order they appear in the CRLA. Second, Pyramid Credit follows up on the status of the item with the corresponding Bureau seeking confirmation as to whether the item has been modified (e.g., revised favorably or removed from your credit report). Pyramid Credit also reviews Bureau and Furnisher correspondence we receive (either directly from the Bureau /Furnisher or from you) regarding the item, and notifies you if the item is revised or removed.

You are providing Pyramid Credit Repair with “written instructions” in accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act to periodically obtain your credit reports from any consumer reporting agency, affliate or third party and to use your credit reports to provide you with the services agreed to as part of this Contract.

Pyramid Credit cannot guarantee and you are not paying for a particular credit report outcome or result; you are paying only for Pyramid Credit Repair’s efforts on your behalf. Bureaus or Furnishers may not respond to initial or subsequent Credit Repair Communications and ultimately may decide not to remove items from your consumer credit files despite PCR’s efforts.

Payment and Fees

Pyramid Credit never charges before any services are fully performed. Fees are collected on a periodic basis, but only for services previously provided. Because fees are charged after rendering services, you should expect to pay a final fee when you choose to end Representation and fees are generally not refundable. Any service credit provided by Pyramid Credit will be applied to services rendered and will expire upon cancellation of Pyramid’s Representation.

Following each Service Interval (The term “Service Interval” shall mean about 7 days after the date of this Contract of first billing, then a 15 day period ending about 30 days after the date of this Contract, and then approximately monthly thereafter or the date Representation ends, if earlier) at the Gold Plan Service Level, Pyramid charges a fee of $129.00. The first fee of $129.00 is charged about 7 days from engagement of services based on scheduled payment date. The next fee of $129.00 is charged about thirty days later (or about fourty-five days from the date of this Contract). When you elect to continue at the Gold Plan Service Level, you will be charged additional fees of $129.00 about thirty days after each subsequent Service Interval. Pyramid Credit only charges after work is fully and completely rendered.

Charges will be processed on or about the same day of each month for each Service Interval(s) until you elect to suspend or cancel service. For example, if a fee for services was charged on the seventh of the month and you choose to continue for another Service Interval, the fee for that Service Interval will be charged on or about the seventh of the next month for work previously and fully rendered. (The specific day of the month may vary slightly due to weekends and holidays.) A final fee will be charged on the day you end Representation. Depending on which payment method you have selected, fees will either be charged to your credit or debit card or drafted from your bank account on file.

You authorize Pyramid Credit Repair to substitute additional payment methods provided by you in the event any fee or charge authorized by this Contract is not honored upon first presentment by Pyramid Credit. You grant Pyramid Credit permission to withdraw any fee or charge authorized by this Contract from your credit or debit card or bank account and to verify your account information.

Right of Cancellation

You may suspend or cancel this Contract at any time and in a number of ways, including: (a) telephoning Pyramid Credit Repair, (b) signing and mailing Pyramid Credit Repair one of the Notices of Cancellation, or (c) sending Pyramid Credit Repair a written request via email and/or secure message within customer portal. Pyramid Credit Repair honors all cancellation requests without condition or charge that are sent to Pyramid Credit within the first seven days of the date of this Contract. It may take up to three business days from the day Pyramid Credit receives your request to process it. Cancellation requests sent after the first seven days may result in a charge.

The length of time you may wish to engage Pyramid Credit will likely depend on a variety of factors, such as: your individual credit goals, your timely participation, the complexity of your case (e.g. the type and number of unfairly or inaccurately reported credit information subject to substantiation), initial and subsequent positions taken by a particular Furnisher or Bureau regarding an affected credit report item, new information added to your credit profile during your Representation, changes to your initial credit goals, and other related factors. This Contract continues from month to month. You are advised to review your case at least each month and determine whether you wish to continue Pyramid Credit’s Representation or suspend or cancel it. You are required to sign a new contract after twelve months if you wish to continue services, but you are under no obligation to do so. At no additional charge, Pyramid Credit may update your case file with information received after you terminate representation, but is under no obligation to continue providing services.

Pyramid Credit reserves the right to withdraw from representing you if you breach this Contract or for any reason permitted under applicable professional rules of conduct. In the event Pyramid Credit withdraws, you agree to pay Pyramid Credit for the services rendered by Pyramid Credit previous to the date of withdrawal.

Pyramid Credit may have discussions with you regarding your case and in doing so may provide its opinion, in its judgment, regarding your options and possible outcomes, given the information you provide to Pyramid Credit. Any expressions of opinion may not reflect an actual outcome.

Authorization for Credit Repair Action

You hereby authorize, Pyramid Credit Repair (Credit Concierge LLC at 427 N Tatnall St #65718; Wilmington, DE 19801), to make, receive, sign, endorse, execute, acknowledge, deliver, and possess such applications, correspondence, contracts, or agreements, as necessary to improve my credit. Such instruments in writing of whatever and nature shall only be effective for any or all of the three credit reporting agencies which are TransUnion, Experian, Equifax, and any other reporting agencies or creditor’s listed, as may be necessary or proper in the exercise of the rights and powers herein granted.

This authorization may be revoked by the undersigned at any time by giving written notice to the party authorized herein. Any activity made prior to revocation in reliance upon this authorization shall not constitute a breach of rights of the client. If not earlier revoked, this authorization will automatically expire twelve months from the date of signature.

The party named above to receive the information is not authorized to make any further release or disclosure of the information received. This authorization does not authorize the release or disclosure of any information except as provided herein.

You grant PCR the authority to do, take, and perform, all acts and things whatsoever requisite, proper, or necessary to be done, in the exercise of repairing my credit with the three credit reporting agencies, which are TransUnion, Experian, Equifax and any other reporting agencies or creditor’s listed, as fully for all intents and purposes as I might or could do if personally present.

You hereby release PCR, from all and all matters of actions, causes of action, suits, proceedings, debts, dues, contracts, judgments, damages, claims, and demands whatsoever in law or equity, for or by reason of any matter, cause, or thing whatsoever as based on the circumstances of this contract.

Right To Review Your File

The Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act [FN1] gives you the right to know what your credit file contains, and the consumer reporting agency must provide someone to help you interpret the data. The New York Fair Credit Reporting Act [FN2] gives you the right to receive an actual copy of your credit report. You will be required to identify yourself to the consumer reporting agency and you may be charged a small fee. There is no fee, however, if you have been turned down for credit, employment, or insurance because of information contained in a report within the preceding thirty days.

Consumer Credit File Rights Under State and Federal Law

You have a right to dispute inaccurate information in your credit report by contacting the credit bureau directly. However, neither you nor a credit repair company or credit repair organization has the right to have accurate, current and verifiable information removed from your credit report. The credit bureau must remove accurate, negative information from your report only if it is over 7 years old. Bankruptcy information can be reported up to 10 years.

You have a right to obtain a copy of your credit report from a credit bureau. You may be charged a reasonable fee. There is no fee, however, if you have been turned down for credit, employment, insurance, or a rental dwelling because of information in your credit report within the preceding 60 days. The credit bureau must provide someone to help you interpret the information in your credit file. You are entitled to receive a free copy of your credit report if you are unemployed and intend to apply for employment in the next 60 days, if you are a recipient of public welfare assistance, or if you have reason to believe that there is inaccurate information in your credit report due to fraud.

You have a right to sue a credit repair organization that violated the Credit Repair Organization Act. This law prohibits deceptive practices by credit repair organizations.

You have the right to cancel your contract with any credit repair organization for any reason within 3 business days from the date you signed it.

Credit bureaus are required to follow reasonable procedures to ensure that the information they report is accurate. However, mistakes may occur.

You may, on your own, notify a credit bureau in writing that you dispute that accuracy of information in your credit file. The credit bureau must then reinvestigate and modify or remove inaccurate or incomplete information. The credit bureau may not charge any fee for this service. Any pertinent information and copies of all documents you have concerning an error should be given to the credit bureau.

If the credit bureau's reinvestigation does not resolve the dispute to your satisfaction, you may send a brief statement to the credit bureau to be kept in your file, explaining why you think the record is inaccurate. The credit bureau must include a summary of your statement about disputed information with any report it issues about you.

The Federal Trade Commission regulates credit bureaus and credit repair organizations. For more information contact: The Public Reference Branch Federal Trade Commission Washington, D.C. 20580.

Electronic Signature

By checking the box on our application form that states: "By checking this box I certify that I am at least 19 years of age, acknowledge that I have read the provided Contract, Information Statement, and Legal Disclosures, and give my Electronic Signature and Limited Power of Attorney for Pyramid Credit Repair to perform work on my behalf" you are representing and agreeing that you accept all terms and conditions as if you had physically provided your signature.


This is a Limited Power of Attorney providing PCR with permission to represent you as your disclosed or undisclosed agent when writing, signing, and sending letters to the credit bureaus and other parties as deemed appropriate and in accordance with the purposes described in this Agreement.

You may cancel your Electronic Signature and your Limited Power of Attorney at any time by (a) telephoning Pyramid Credit Repair, (b) signing and mailing Pyramid Credit Repair one of the Notices of Cancellation, or (c) sending Pyramid Credit Repair a written request via email and/or secure message within customer portal requesting to retract your Electronic Signature. Without this Electronic Signature and Limited Power of Attorney, PCR is unable to represent you, and canceling it will terminate this Agreement.


You may cancel this contract, without any penalty or obligation, before midnight on the seventh working day after you sign it.

If you cancel, any payment made by you under this contract must be returned within 10 days following receipt by Pyramid Credit Repair of your cancellation notice.

To cancel this contract, mail or deliver a signed and dated copy of this cancellation notice, or any other written notice, to Pyramid Credit Repair at 427 N Tatnall St #65718; Wilmington, DE 19801 not later than midnight of the fifth working day after the date the contract is signed by you.

I hereby cancel this transaction.


Gold Plan

First-Work Fee $129.00 billed on February 24, 2025
$0.00 during 7 day trial
First Monthly Fee $129.00 billed on March 26, 2025
30 days from when first-work fee is charged
Billed Today: $0.00

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By clicking continue, I agree by electronic signature to be contacted by phone, email, or SMS (text) by Pyramid Credit Repair. We never share your information. See our privacy policy.

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